minard by lucify

The missing link between code, previews, and feedback

Automatically build, deploy, and gather feedback about each version of your static web project.

Effortless sharing of work in progress
Sharing your work is now as easy as pushing code to version control. Minard takes care of building, deploying and gathering feedback for you. Get feedback as early as possible.

Minard creates a screenshot and fully functional deployment of each stage of your web-based project – an interactive, visual history. Reach every version of your project with just one click.

Minard automatically deploys a new version whenever code is changed in version control and notifies you in your chat tool of choice. Each preview gets its own, permanent address that can accessed later on.

Integrate with your tools

Be notified of new versions, requests for feedback or comments in your favorite collaboration tools such as Slack, Flowdock or HipChat.

Collect and give feedback

Add comments, annotate screenshots or make screen recordings to share feedback about different iterations. Share specific versions with a larger team.

Up and running in 2 minutes

Use a ready-made template to set up a new project – including repository, build system, continuous deployment, React, Webpack and all – in under two minutes.

Prefer to set everything up yourself? That's cool too. Minard can easily be used with any static website.

Why are we building this?
Design is a journey of trial and error. The best results are achieved by constantly requesting and incorporating feedback.

While building interactive data visualisations, we noticed that early, constant and rich feedback from all parties is crucial. Gathering feedback needs to built right into the development process.

Minard is our tool to help enable such a process of continuous feedback.

It was built to scratch an itch that we felt. We hope it can help others as well.

We are looking for beta testers. Interested?

Sign up to get early access when a beta version is available. If you want to hear more, contact us at info@lucify.com or +358-44-5602070.

We won't spam you or do anything evil.